HOXChess is a free and open source Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) application for iPhone/iPod touch. The user can either practice with Artificial Intelligent (AI) or play with other people around the world through the free PlayXiangqi.com server.
Common features:
- Replay mode with 4-button panel (Begin, Previous, Next, End).
- Five different Piece sets and Boards, including Western ones.
- Sound support.
- Graphics effects for Move-Hints and the Last-Move-Highlight.
- Three languages: English, Chinese (Simplified), and French.
Offline or Artificial Intelligent (AI) mode:
- Two different AI engines to choose from.
- Each AI has four different Difficulty Levels: Easy (default), Normal, Hard, Master.
- Auto Save and Auto Resume the current game.
- Disable/Enable (i.e., Pause/Resume) AI at any time to allow the user to play both sides/roles.
- Support Player-vs-Player (PvP) with AI being disabled.
- Unlimited Undo Moves.
- Either Human or AI can move first (as Red player).
Online mode (through a centralized server at PlayXiangqi.com):
- Play with other people either as a registered user or as a Guest.
- Play or Observe existing games/tables.
- Support basic Chat feature.
- Support receiving Invitations from other people.
- Track Rating/Points and game statistics using Elo Rating System.
- Support Auto-Resume after having disconnected from the network.
- Basic online options: Resign, Draw, Reset, and Timers.
- HOXChess is created by the team at PlayXiangqi.com.
- HOXChess is a fork/branch of NevoChess at nevochess.googlecode.com
- XQWLight is an open source AI engine written by Huang Chen at xqbase.com
- HaQiKi D is an AI engine written by H.G. Muller at home.hccnet.nl/h.g.muller
- Some Chinese pieces, boards, and sound files are from XQWizard at xqwizard.sourceforge.net
- Western pieces are from chessvariants.com and wikipedia.org
- Some icons are from Tango Desktop Project at tango.freedesktop.org
- Other icons and from Crystal Project Icons (by Everaldo) at crystalxp.net